Sunday, January 13, 2013

Part 1 of 2. 5 ways to get your man to "put a ring on it" aka Kenya Moore

By geekswagg

1. Cook for him..not all the time, but sometimes. Men love him love that way. Make his favorite or buy it at the store and fake it.

2. Agree with him and let him lead. It seems small, but letting your boyfriend to make the "decisions" can go a long way.

3. Play hard to get.'re almost 30, but don't pull a "Kenya Moore". Men want to hunt their on the prowl. If you give up the goods too early you might get the "jump-off" label.

4. Introduce him to your family. Don't have the brother sitting in the car when its time to go out. Let him meet your parents..siblings..cousin Velma. Surprisingly guys like meeting other family members. Its a great way for them to connect, talk about the game, or chill.

5. Talk to him about marriage, job security, financial health, and sex partners. Yes..that's a lot. Not in one night, but these crucial items are very important. You may think guys get scared of these "talks" but we don't. We now understand that in your eyes you see us in your future.

Disclaimer: these tips are just In no way shape or form are we saying that by using them..your man will be on "bended knee". We hope so're not getting any younger.
the black urban times llc

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