Thursday, January 3, 2013

what’s it going to be? Pt1 By Ava I. Cooksey

Footsteps rang out into the long, dimly lit corridor. Each step sounding like a crackle of thunder to my ears. I listen to the whisper of those around me, followed by the subsequent hush as the footsteps come closer. I can’t yet see which guard is on duty today, but whoever it is, is walking with purpose. Hmmm I wonder who’s getting the ass whipping today. My body begins to tense as the footsteps draw nearer, and what do you know, they stop right in front of my cell. As if to announce the guards’ presence, the light in the corridor above my cell flickers out. Guess I’m the lucky victim today. Bummer.

I look up to see who won the privilege of making me bleed, but it’s so dark I can’t see a face. I haven’t properly fed in days and some of my senses have been dulled to that of a human. But I’d know that silhouette anywhere. Victoria. Things are starting to look up. I stand and stretch my weary body, and even though I can’t see her face, I’m very aware of her eyes stalking my every move. She reaches down and unhooks the keys from her belt while I wait patiently for her to come to me. I can never predict her arrival, but when she comes here it always lifts my spirits. She likes to hear tales about what life is like in my world. Tales from a time before my capture and enslavement. I happily indulge her fascination because she is the only one who does not seek to bring me pain. The others all come with their devices and hate-filled words, meant to break my body and spirit.

But not her.

She opens the door to my cell, quickly enters, then turns to shut and lock it. She seems rather hurried today, which is odd because we have all the time in the universe. I’m immortal. And if this were a different time, I would make her one too. She turns back to face me, and now that she’s in the light I can see her face. Beautiful as always, but now she wears an emotion I haven’t seen in a long time. Love and something else I can’t name. That’s odd, but not entirely unwelcome.

“If I ask you for a favor, would you say yes?” She whispered as she sauntered up to me. With every step she took, I could hear her heartbeat accelerate until it beat a staccato against her sternum and the blood being forced through her veins overheated her skin, permeating the air with her scent. Quite heady.

“What favor could I possibly grant you? I’m surrounded by silver embedded walls…not to mention the guards wielding the holy water. I have nothing to give.” I gestured to the walls as I stared down into that beautiful visage.

“You have more to give than you know; I’m just asking that you say yes.” She breathed. I noticed her body start to quiver and I did the only thing a man of my station and upbringing would allow…


And then it happened. She aligned her body to mine, wrapping her slender arms around my neck, and she kissed me. The air surrounding us became electrified. She unwound her arms and slid her palms down my chest, around my sides and ending at the small of my back. I could feel my arousal unfolding between us. And from the way she gyrated her hips against mine, I could tell she felt it too. With lazy pushes, her hips pushed in and back, stroking my shaft as I shifted my hands onto her arms and then her waist.

The kiss became hungry and bruising as I thrust deep with my tongue. I let my hands fall from her waist to the backs of her thighs. As if anticipating my next move, she leapt onto me, wrapping her legs firmly around my waist. The situation was turning critical. I don’t think she realizes what bedding me would mean for her future. In order to lie with me she would have to become my bonded mate. And that would require a blood exchange and for her to give up her humanity. And that would land her in a cell just like mine.

Abruptly I ended the kiss. “Do you know what you ask of me? I told you the stories…You would end up a prisoner in the very place you work!”

“Not necessarily” She said, unwrapping her legs and standing on her own feet.

“There is no other alternative that I can see Victoria! You play with something you don’t understand.” I all but yelled at her. I must make her see reason before my will snaps and she ends up on her back.

“What if I said I can free you? What if I could get you back to your home? Would you agree then?” She stared defiantly into my eyes.

“Can you? And if you could, why would you? What reason prompts you to help me by sacrificing everything you have and are?” I demanded.

“Because I want to belong. And more importantly I want to belong to you. The only thing that has been right in my life is my time with you. My mom always said to find a man who could offer me forever. And…well you can literally give me forever. I want to be a part of your world.” She reached for my hand and pressed her keys into my palm

“Well what’s it going to be?”

written by Ava I. Cooksey
For The black urban times

Published by Orrin Carter
Of The Black Urban Times

writer is a freelance writer, and not affiliated with The Black Urban Times LLC

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