Sunday, July 15, 2012

#AskEmily 7.15.2012 "Minute Man"

I've been dating my boyfriend for a year and he is the definition of a man. He's everything I could ever want, well... Almost. Our sex life at best is pretty good there's one issue he ejaculates waaaaay to quick and it's so frustrating what can we do to stop this from happening?

I've experienced this many times over. There are some things that are just out of our control. This is one of them. I've never had the patience to stick around and see what we could do to work on it because I would bolt on them before I give it a chance. That isn't always the best solution to a problem.
Sex is a very important part of a relationship. If you love him enough, you will work with him. It may just be because he's excited. Ever seen a dog so excited that he pees the entire time that he's jumping around? Yeah--like that. It is your job to calm him down. Take away some of the anxiety because the only thing that may be on his mind is to not ejaculate so quickly and it still happens. You may want to put him in an uncomfortable place yet a more exciting position. If he comes quickly when it's just the two of you, what would he do if you were in a place that there were a lot of people around? If you tried him in the bathroom of a bar, he is going to have to force himself to not come so quickly because he is around lots of people--he wouldn't dare walk out in a bar with a wet spot in the front of his trousers so he will have to gain some sort of control. Sometimes, we have to put men in those settings to train them in the way that we want them to go. Who knows--that may be the best sex of your lives because it gives you both something else to focus on rather than have that 'I wonder how long this will last' mentality. Try it.

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