Monday, April 15, 2013

DMX's Cry for Help - #SupportDMX

by TayLang - @mstaylang

Earl Simmons…aka DMX platinum selling, multimillion dollar making hip hop artist of the 90’s was just featured on Iyanla Vanzant’s Fix My Life which aired on OWN network Saturday April 13, 2013. His story was so remarkable and if you haven’t seen it I challenge you all to watch it and not be judgmental as you watch.

DMX’s drug addiction was put on display; however there is clearly a deeper hurt that has consumed him. Childhood hurts have affected him mentally and have not allowed him to forgive and forget the actions that started with his own mother. As a child DMX was sent to a group home at the age of seven. During the interview his emotions are at an all-time high when trying to tell the story. He relates his issues with his mother “not wanting him” to the way he expressed his love with his girlfriend who is now his estranged wife. When he fell in love with his wife he was so afraid that she would leave him; just like his mother. His feelings of rejection never allowed him to fully have a successful relationship.

Already a drug user at the age of 17 he knew that he had a problem. “I will always have a drug problem” he says. He says the drug problem will always be with him. The “drug problem” he talks about is an addiction that has taken him to a place deeply rooted from old hurts.  

Addiction is a disease. Most people look at addiction with judgmental eyes and just see an individual that chooses to use drugs and/or alcohol. Addicts are viewed as people that make reckless decisions with their lives. But as I stated above addiction is a disease.

How many people could get the help they needed if we viewed addiction as a disease? Would you be as judgmental to an addict if they were battling cancer? Cancer and addiction is the same thing; a disease that has taken over a person and if help is not sought the person could continue to deteriorate and possibly die.

I chose to write this article as his voice. I believe DMX; Earl is crying out for help. Patience, prayer and consistency are the only things that are going to help him. The tears he cried clearly depicted a young boy who is still hurt; a young boy who is still crying out for his mother to love him. Childhood issues can affect adults for the rest of their lives if they never seek help, forgive and move on to better themselves. Childhood scars can be suppressed for a long time but eventually something will trigger the pain and cause the wound to be opened up and bleed all over again. If you know someone in this situation; reach out to them. Listen to them. Help them. Pray for them. Love them. BE THERE FOR THEM, REGARDLESS.

I support DMX and I pray that God sets the right person in his path to help change his life around. Prayer changes things. Remember we all have an “issue”. Your issue is not better or worse than his issue. We all have or had demons that we’ve battled. Getting free from them is the first step in recovery and releasing yourself to live a better life.


watch this clip from the show courtesy of OWN network via Youtube

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