Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Weekend Weigh In

Last week really kicked off my weight loss journey and I am very proud of myself for sticking to my guns and following through. I set a goal of working out at least four times a week for 60 minutes and logging everything I ate through the My Fitness Pal app. Well, I am happy to report that I worked out four times last week for a total of 250 minutes and I burned a total of 2,529 calories! I also logged into My Fitness Pal everyday and logged every single thing that I ate, the good, the bad and the ugly. By setting a goal and sticking to it, I lost exactly 3 pounds last week and I am so excited about it! I realized that I was much more conscious of everything I ate because I was journaling it and tracking my calories. When you are not counting calories and tracking your food intake, you are more likely to over indulge (at least I know I am). Now, I know a lot of people who say they don't count calories because it's too tedious or time consuming, but it definitely works and if you want to see weight loss results, you have to do something that holds you accountable for what you consume. Whether you download a tracking app, join weight watchers or just keep a little food diary in your purse, you have to be conscious of what you are eating. It really does make a difference. Don't believe me? Try it! It certainly can't hurt.

As for my exercise regimen, I did 60-65 minute workouts on the elliptical all four days. Now, I know that many experts would disagree with this workout and say that I need to switch it up and incorporate some strength training. However, I'm no expert and this works for me (right now). Besides, 60 minutes on the elliptical beats 60 minutes sitting on the couch doing nothing any day. #babysteps
I plan on trying other cardio exercises and incorporating some strength training in the coming weeks. Right now, I'm just getting used to working out four times a week.

I figure there are 24 hours in a day, so why not take one hour and dedicate it to working out? Download some good music, watch a movie, flip through a magazine, do whatever it takes to get you through that hour. You'll be glad you did it.

Do you track your food intake, and if so, how? How often do you workout and what's your exercise regimen? Please share in the comments section below.

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