Tuesday, May 7, 2013

JoeyPinkney.com 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With... Dee Lockett, founder of The National Association of Self-Published Authors

About The National Association of Self-Published Authors (NAOSPA):

The NAOSPA is an organization focused on helping self-published authors, small publishing houses and vendors of the self-publishing industry to connect and provide resources and empowerment throughout each stage of the pre-publication, publishing and marketing processes.

Joey Pinkney: Where did I get the inspiration to start The National Association of Self-Published Authors?

Dee Lockett: Well, I have been a book publisher for twelve years this month and over the past few years, I have several independent publishers contact me asking some of the same questions that I had throughout my publishing journey. I wanted a formal organization that could answer those questions and provide resources for authors as well.

JP: What sets The National Association of Self-Published Authors apart from other organizations in the same market?

DL: NAOSPA really takes in consideration the publishing and marketing side of publishing a book. It is not difficult to publish a book nowadays because of the way technology has advanced and available to the public. Where the challenge comes in is understanding what it means to market and promote that book in a way that reaches the largest possible audience for the author and publisher. (read more) 

JP: What is your advice (keys to success) to an author getting their book out to the public?

DL: First, make sure you have your reader in mind while you are writing your book, not after. I have an author who writes erotic fiction, and it took her the longest time to realize that no matter how many people do, everyone doesn’t. Keeping in mind those people who do and not try to convert those who don’t will help any author in any genre to sell more books, because their energy is not spent on conversion but actualization. (read more) 

JP: How long does it take to write a book from start to finish?

DL: My first book and most profitable book to date took me 24 hours to write. That is because I had the message of the book and a personal experience happening at the time, and I used writing to get my feelings out. (read more) 

JP: What’s next for The National Association of Self-Published Authors?

DL: We have a workshop series called The Work Book Series which is designed around working the marketing for an author’s book. It is a four-part series, and we will start with social media and how to use it beyond just posting that an author has a book out or coming out. (read more) 

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