Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Weekend Weigh In : June picture update and #turnup21 Week 1 Progress Report

Hey there! I just wrapped up week one of my #turnup21 challenge and it was a success! I stuck to my diet of no bread, rice or pasta, drank lots of water (a gallon most days) and snacked on nothing but fresh fruits! I also stuck to my plan of working out for an hour, 6 days a week, splitting my workout up between cardio and strength training. I made it a point to not eat after 7p. To ensure that I stuck to this schedule, I set my cell phone alarm for 6p so I had at least another hour to eat dinner before my cut off time. This worked out perfectly for me and definitely kept me on track. By sticking to my plan, I was able to lose 4 pounds! *cues applause*  
Since it's about that time for a picture update (and I was feeling photogenic), here's an updated one that I took over the weekend: 

Now, to my surprise, I didn't go into snack withdraw and the fruits I ate instead (mostly grapes, apples and bananas) were very satisfying. I also did not feel excessively hungry while sticking to my plan. I think most of that had to do with my water consumption. I'm normally a big diet tea and soda drinker, but as of last week I started drinking water only. I noticed that I wasn't hungry in between meals (which almost never happens) because I drink at least 16 oz. of water with each meal. I'm learning to recognize the difference between being hungry and being thirsty. So, the next time you're feeling hungry in between meals, try drinking a glass of water. I also made out my workout schedule for the week in advance and stuck to it so I was able to hit the gym 6 days which was my goal. I felt energized during my workouts and accomplished a lot in an hour which really made me feel good! *gasps* Could I be becoming a 'gym rat'? *clutches pearls*

Photo credit: www.eziahp.com

Remember 'a goal without a plan is just a wish' - Antoine de Saint-Exupery. You have to have a plan and then put that plan in action! With just 2 more weeks left in my #turnup21 challenge and 2 more weeks before my trip to Miami, I'm going to continue to execute my plan. Whatever you are doing to meet your fitness and weight loss goals, just remain consistent and don't get discouraged. You will see results if you just stick with it. You didn't gain the weight over night and you won't lose it over night either. You have to keep working at it. 

What's your weight loss and fitness plan? Weigh in below in the comments section.

Follow me on Instagram @shopsweatheart to see more health and fitness motivation pics! 

Corrin K. Jones
twitter: @sweatheartboss 
Instagram: @shopsweatheart

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