Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain - The Songbird

Normally, I don't do any reporting on the news or the election but some new information I received made me want to put this out for you folks. I want you all to be informed when it's time to hit those polls and vote. I'm personally voting for OBAMA!! But here's some information about McCain (for those of you who are looking to place your vote that way) that you didn't know and that the US Government doesn't want you to know about Presidential hopeful McCain. Check out the clips below:

Wow!! They are making him seem like a war hero when in fact he turned against the U.S. and gave Vietnam a whole bunch of information!!! Does that sound like someone you want running your country? Check out the next clip:

He's not even sure what he knows!! I don't want a dumb ass running this country! Haven't we suffered enough with Bush? Please do the right thing come November!! Shouts to Chaz Williams for putting me onto the site and check out more info. about your boy McCain at!

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