Monday, March 30, 2009

Moats accepts apology from officer

Moats hopes officer is sincere about his apology?
By: Jarred Powell

Houston texans running back Ryan Moats and his wife insist that they are ready to move on and put this incident behind them. A Dallas police officer held the player outside a hospital, while his mother in law was dying inside the hospital.
"Well, first of all I accept his apology, and I hope it's sincere -- a sincere apology," Moats said on ABC's "Good Morning America" on Monday. "I've kind of left it up to my wife because I love Jo, my mother-in-law. ... She was just like my mom.Tamishia Moats walked away from the scene of the March 18 incident to go into the hospital, even as the officer had his gun drawn. She said there was nothing officer Robert Powell could have done to persuade her to stay.
"I was thinking through my mind, 'I'm going to go into this hospital, I will be by my mom's side no matter what,' she said on the ABC morning show.
The officer, Robert Powell has been suspended with pay while and investigation takes place of the incident.

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