Friday, July 30, 2010

Poet's Corner: "Bully Complex"

Puffed up grand delusions
blind them
and bind them
in the bully complex.

Peacock feathers spread,
and clucking
around a fenced in
of their own metaphors.

The oppressed
seek to be the oppressor:
so they fortify their own
insecurities with the brick
and mortar they raid
from others.

Their creativity
and strong voice
are but shallow cries
for attention:
"Notice me!"
Because they
beg you to,
entice you with superlatives,
claiming to be the best
when they have yet
to view all their competition.

These bully peacocks,
slow strutting with feathers spread,
are only easier to pluck,
because they expose all their feathers proudly
and prance contently around their cage
like kings of the world,
or Satan in Hell.

By A. Jarrell Hayes

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