Tuesday, October 5, 2010

HHGS Rumor: Is Swizzy Creeping Around With Kelly Rowland?

A couple of weeks ago, during the concert for Jay Z and Eminem, a friend of mine asked me to come out and enjoy the festivities of the concert. She had some really good seats and just asked me to get away since we haven't hung out in quite some time. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to hang out that night because I had to do some extra things at work and wasn't able to meet up.

Well, later on that evening my friend hits me up on the cell excited about something she saw and she just had to tell me. I was like "What's up"? She was like "Girl! You're never going to believe what I have to tell you"! I was like DAMN!! What could've happened since the couple of hours we last spoke? She was like "While getting ready to leave the concert I took a route underneath the stadium and guess who I saw leaving together, very much getting close and personal, in a golf cart"? I was like "Who"? She screamed out "Swizz Beatz and Kelly Rowland"!!!! I was like "HUH"?

Now, in my mind, I'm thinking there's no way but my friend would have absolutely no reason to lie about something like that. Now, I'm sure my friend did indeed see Swizzy and Kelly Rowland together but I highly doubt they are messing around with each other. I mean, Kelly Rowland is a beautiful woman but when your wife is Alicia Keys....there's just no comparison. It's just my opinion. Please keep in mind that I'm not starting any rumors. I'm just reporting what was told to me. But just know if anything should happen in the future with Swizzy and Kelly Rowland, let them know where you heard it first!

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