Sunday, February 5, 2012

Requisite Love

Love is truly a delight. All you have to do is allow it to be that way. The natural order of positive emotions dictates that love is no different than endless bliss - perfection . . . an ideal has been met. When in love we feel and exhibit the endless possibilities associated with true happiness, supreme confidence and powerful support. We feel we can accomplish any and all things with only our true love at our side. If that one true love is not there due to the love you feel being unrequited or lost, just the
genuine admission of feeling that way will not take away that powerful will. Love offered and not accepted is still love. Even unrequited love should still bring joy just as does mutual love.

It's only when we insist on feeling self-pity that such joy is lost . . . or when we refuse to accept our feelings as a response to rejection or even the appearance of rejection. But it is then that we stop feeling love and allow the flow of displaced anger into our hearts to fill a projected void of rejection or loss. When we think we have failed in our love because of weaknesses or mistakes, we allow self-pity to replace self-love and project a childish hatred upon the other person to replace the unconditional love that we truly feel. The easiest way to lose love is to be so afraid of one's feelings that you pretend not to be in love. We sometimes think it makes life easier and, well, it does. Life is always easier when it's not lived to its potential.

The fact that love may not by my side at the moment, it does not faze me. It makes that powerful will even greater. And the fact that someone has touched my heart in the past has allowed me to feel such an abundance of love and, unlimited joy.  Yes! Totally unlimited! Before I leave I want to leave a little reminder for you.  Always look inside yourself and accept your feelings as they are no matter how much pain surfaces in order to bring about such recognition. You will thank me later for the fact that I have felt such love and joy, but also never to be foolish enough to let someone steal that away from me.

Much Love & Happy Valentine’s Day – Destinee Love

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