Monday, August 20, 2012

A Letter to Black males in Florida and other black men who are victims of racism

By geek swagg

The recent killing of a young black male handcuffed in the back of a police car, Chavis Carter,  makes you think. If you're a black man..what is my life worth.'re life is worth the same as everyone else.
The recent admission that the San Francisco police made up arrests of aa males, proves that there is a systemic campaign to paint aa males in a negative light. This has been going on for years, and its just coming to light.

Black men are treated differently in the United States. The evidence is how President Obama is treated. The question is will you let it stop you?

Let me answer. No. You cannot let a biased media define you, you cannot let the murder of innocent black males by crooked cops scare you. Yes you're profiled, yes you're killed by cops, yes you're treated differently by the justice system, and yes there's a classroom to prison pipeline ready for you to enter.

Give up? Never! You must hold your head high and continue on forward. Push yourself harder than everyone else. There are obstacles in place against you, but don't let it stop your shine.

Black man. You came from Kings. Africa is your home. Never forget that. Always recognize your greatness in the face of ignorance.

the black urban times llc

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