Sunday, September 2, 2012

Interview: With Angel & Chanelle of Trin-I-Tee 5:7

By: Taylor Savon

They are talented, beautiful, and love God first. They are Angel and Chanelle of Trin-I-Tee 5:7. I had the pleasure of being able to talk to these wonderful ladies about their best memories, what they have learned and what they will do in the future.

I first wanted to know what is the best memory they have had in their music career.  Chanelle started the conversation by saying, “We performed at the Grammys with Aretha Franklin. To be able to share the same stage with her was and also seeing Tina Turner perform. It was amazing. I am a huge Tina Turner fan and I asked th stage hand if I can use the microphone she used. So I was singing with Tina Turner's mic. (laughs).” No surprise to me Angel agreed. “Yes for me it was the Grammys. Performing with a legend like Aretha Franklin was ..... it was amazing.”  

I have listen to there music and when they sing it goes straight to your soul. Angel told me that’s why they do this. “People come up to us and saying how they have been saved hearing our music, and found God through our music. That is a blessing.”

Now many people do know that recently they decided to leave Matthew Knowles gospel label, but these ladies kept their answers very classy never saying one bad thing about Mr. Knowles himself or the label. Chanelle said “Everything has a season, and unfortunately it was our time to go”. I felt that was a perfect statement and many of us could use that.

Now to my surprise when I asked what new projects there are working on I was a little shock to learn that they are working on solo careers. Chanelle says “Well we decided to start working on our solo careers. We have been in a group for a long time so it just seemed to be time to try to explore other opportunities”. Angel quickly said, ”We don't have dates yet of our projects but we will soon (laughing)”. I think she knew that was my next question.

Like I said these ladies are talented but they have really big hearts. After Hurricane Katrina, they formed Ambassador of Hope and Triumph Campaign. They have really helped people that was affected by the hurricane. They told they still are helping and they will keep helping.

Before we end our conversation, Angel said “I just want to thank certain people in of life like our lawyer Chris Brown. God truly bring certain people in you life for a reason and we have been bless to have good people that have our best interest at heart”.

I can see these to women have a great bond, and just speaking to them that short length of time I learned somethings from them that I will always remember. I want to thank Angel and Chanelle for taking time out to talk to me, and I know they will be very successful in the future. Make sure you watch their video below.
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