Sunday, September 2, 2012


Kids are loud, expensive, messy, and most smell. As little monsters ourselves we are taught to go to school, get and education, meet that special someone, get married, and have our own little monsters one day. As you can see from the video above this is what our little angels grow up to be. Loud, ignorant little monsters that go around the city starting fights and disrespecting women faster than they can do the latest dance craze at the most inappropriate time at the most innappropriate place. As I scanned through world star and came across this video, I watched in absolute fear and shame about what todays youth is coming to. Yes, I know its all about how you raise your kids, and what type of upbrining you have, and blah blah blah.... BUT the older they get the less they are in your sights and the more time they spend with their "friends." AND I could give a damn what anyone says the pressure of being cool in middle and highschool is equal to locking in a multi billion dollar on wallstreet. Plus the more they want to "fit" in at school the less they listen to you at home. On top of all of that im just not a patient person. I can only imagine trying to teach the little brat(s) how to read, and aftter we have spent 30 minutes trying to show them how to pronounce the word "Cat" I can almost garuntee I would Lose my cool. Not to even say that I would yell "ITS CAT YOU DUMBASS" but my patience would grow pretty thin. On top of all of that kids are fucking epensive FORREAL!!!!! Clothes, food, doctors, and food, education, and FOOD. When Its all said and done children may be cute and cuddley and blah blah blah, but after seeing this video seeing the possibilities im good. Throw me in a home and let the state do their job. Orrin Carter

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