Friday, September 21, 2012

Kisha's Tamar and Vince Series Premiere Recap

Holy Smokes Batman!!! Ok I admit watching Tamar and her adlibs with her .com 's and .org's were cute on the Braxton Family Values but could I watch a whole hour of her?!?!

Well I tuned in for the series premiere and was happy as hell when it was over because if this show was created  to show Tamar in a better light it was truly an #epicfail.

We already are aware that Tamar wants to be Beyonce and Lady Gaga rolled into one and with a super industry executive as a husband.

In the series opener we see the couples new home and confirm our assumption that Tamar loves to shop. Basically she is a spoiled brat who believes the world revolves around her.

A highlight of the show was her dinner party with other celeb couples and Mary J. Blige was amongst the guest and her speech about marriage was the truth.

I will give this show another shot next week but for now I'm still wondering why would I wanna see Tamar act like a brat and Vince bite his tongue for the sake of the marriage.

He is ready to start a family meanwhile Tamar wants to be a pop superstar. We shall see if she gets her priorities together for the sake of the marriage. All Vince has is thier dog, Miracle the closest thing to a child he is getting currently. Tamar and Vince have been together eight years and married for three so in my opinion I would think she would be ready to expand her family. But who knows we shall see though...

Smooches Y'all

Kisha Green is a publisher who has a passion for writing and sharing her witty personality with many through social media. For more info about Kisha, visit her and you can also follow her on Twitter @KishaGreen

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