Friday, September 21, 2012

Im a Hoe: The diary of Leah Crawford pt 1 by @odiggler

He was an older man, they always are.  He pulls up to me as im "strolling," as if he didnt see me he circles the block checking to make sure this isnt some APD (ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT) sting operation as if this trick knew what he was looking for any way. I wait by the corner for him to come back, they always come back. He pulls up to me I lean in and say " whats up baby need mama to put you to sleep" He says "damn right sugar jump in."  I get in and he speeds off down spring street. We finally get to this dark side street by Piedmont Park. I ask "so baby what do you need? A blow and go is $40, and the whole damn show is $80." He turns his nose up and thinks long and hard as if this is some multi million dollar merger.

  Finally the country bamma says "just a blow and go, my wife is cooking my favorite meal tonight" they are always married.  I pull out the condom and he says to me "ill throw in an extra $60 for bareback." "Sorry hun I dont do anything without a condom." "F¤¤k" he says. So I polish him off as quick as I can, his truck smells like he works at the worst end of the farmers market, combined with his Dick is in my mouth I was a head nod away from vomiting all in his lap. I mean really, what do these tricks have against washing their balls. Finally he cums and we head off back down the street.

As he drops me off I get out and before I can even get my feet on the ground this f¤¤ker speeds off,  damn near knocking me over. I gather myself fix my tights and decide I've made enough for the night. I go find my car and head back towards mid town.  As I'm driving back home I think to myself "Leah, girl you need to slow down you dont even need the money anymore. If you dont your going to get caught" I dismiss the thought and Focus on the fact that I made $1100 in 6 hours. I chuckle to myself as I pull up infront of my house. I comb my hair back into a pony tail, clean myself up and walk in. "MOMMY MOMMY" my two daughters run up to me and both hug my leg.  Hey Munchkins, Daddy has a surprise for you. Just then my husband of 7 years Daniel walks in, hey babe got dinner ready for you. I kiss him and he pulls back "Damn Leah you hit the gym with a vengence today you stank" he laughs and adds "why the hell do you smell like the farmers market" "HUSH BOY" we both laugh and he tells me hes cooked dinner and will put the girls to bed while I shower up.

I go to the bedroom and I hear him yell "how was work, Is your secretary getting any better?" "No" I say " I'm going to let her go tomorrow and start looking for another one." he walks in with our youngest daughter on his leg mya shes  3 and our oldest Andrea over his shoulder shes 7. Both girls laughing and giggling as he stands at the door and says "I called the office around 2 your secretary said you had left for today" Yea" I say "wasnt feeling it so I left met with the girls and just hung out and went to the gym" I hate lieing to my husband, but I will admit Its getting easier by the month. "well im off to put the girls to bed" he says "NOOOOOO" they whine out. "Silence munchkins off to bed you go" In his "captain bedtime voice" He is such a good husband and father I shouldnt do what I do but I'm hooked.

If you havent figured it out my Name is Leah Crawford in the business world  I am 31. I am a corporate attorney I attend church, I am a mother, I am a wife and I make six figures a year.  But I also have a secret,something that seems more like a drug at this point. I also do escorting I date and sleep with men for money. I know its wrong, I know I shouldn't do this, but I cant stop I'm addicted to this life. Honestly, at this stage of the game I dont want to stop. I love my husband and my kids, but right now Im good with what I am I dont plan On stopping anytime soon.

Orrin Carter

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