Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So I might be a little late but dang if this story ain't interesting! Adrienne Baillon, formerly of 3LW, had her laptop stolen and these are the pics that are floating around the internet. Apparently these photos were for Kim Kardashian's brother Robert Kardashian but they never made it. I never knew this chick was dating Kim Kardashian's brother! For some odd reason I thought Kim Kardashian's brother was gay?....I could be wrong but that's the impression that he gave off. I thought that was the reason why his sister's were always trying to hook him up with a chick. Hey! I guess you never know these days. Sorry for the assumption! My, My, My how these 3LW chicks have grown! See how grown Adrienne is below. Warning!!!! Adult content:

For the booty pic click here

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