Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Just Juice It!

Today kicks off my 10 day juice fast! I've been juicing off and on since last November and I love it. When I juice I always have more energy, less headaches and less digestive issues. Not to mention the fact that I shed a few pounds which is always nice ( I lost 10 pounds the last time I did this). Now, my juice fasts consist of replacing 2 meals with fresh juice and drinking lots of water. I normally juice my breakfast and lunch and have a sensible, carb free dinner with lean poultry or fish and vegetables. My morning juice consists of mostly fruit and my afternoon juice is more vegetables with some apple to sweeten it up. I know a juice fast for some means no food at all, just juice, but I tried that and the headaches were too much for me to handle so I started doing this instead. I like juicing because there are so many different options available so it never really gets boring. You can just keep switching up your ingredients.

A lot of my friends have asked me for recipes since I started and I have to say that my motto is: Just Juice It! If you overthink it, you'll talk yourself right out of doing it.  I juice what I like (and some of what I don't) and all by sight, meaning that I juice enough fruits and vegetables until I have at least 2 cups per meal. Everyone's juicer is different and will yield different amounts of juice so it's hard to say exactly how much of what you should use. However, I did find an expert juicer on Instagram named Chaud that I always refer to for different ideas and to learn more about the benefits of juicing various vegetables and fruits. Whether you're looking for recipes to help boost your immune system or to help your muscles recover after a hard workout, Chaud is your girl.  She really is a juicing guru and she's very friendly and helpful and always does her best to answer all of your juicing questions. Check out her site and follow her on Instagram @chaudsjuicetherapy for great recipes and juicing information. She really is a wealth of knowledge. Another great resource is the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross. I highly recommend this film if you are on the fence about juicing. Seeing the physical and mental transformation of the two men featured in the documentary is what really inspired me to try juicing. The filmmaker also has a website where he shares information on juicing and various recipes.

I'll keep you posted on my juicing journey and I'll be sure to share any new tips or advice that I can along the way. Happy juicing!

Share your juicing experiences and/or questions in the comments section below.

Corrin K. Jones

twitter: @SweatHeartBoss

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