Monday, August 13, 2012

Single people: curse of the clueless and blind by @odiggler

Last night i was on the phone with a friend at some ungodly hour of the night. We talked about all the usual things and the most ridiculous thing flew out her mouth. Now, let me hedge my thoughts by saying my friend is extremely smart and for all intensive purposes very right about alot of things.  But on this day I felt that she may have been talking out her ass. What did she say? What did she speak that I thought was utterly and completely not based on any logic other than she falls into the category: "being married  and being together are basically the same thing"

  The only reason i even entertained this convo, was purely for research purposes... Ok and a little entertainment.  It is this writers opinion that i dont care how long your in a relationship, there is no substitute for the religous and legal vowes you take.  The only people who I know that dont share the same opinion i do is people who arent married.  Reguardless of the divorce rate or the single man/ woman mentality marriage is more than just taking up space.  Marriage is more than sharing a bank account and more than to people who dont want to be with anyone else. Marriage is way of life, its a feeling a legal and binding contract that means "from now and mutha freaking on" single and or bitter people maKe up some weird and oulandish idealogy about "its only a piece of paper." What these weird people fail to realize is that there is no substitute for the real thing. Using soda stream doesnt replace coke.

Marriage is hard
Marriage is long
Marriage is "from now and mutha freaking on"

But most importantly marriage is NOT something that should be used in conjunction with "we might as well be"

But i forgive these people mostly because the only way to know about marriage is to have been or be married.

Its ok single people we still love you:)

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